If you are purchasing the course for yourself, select add to cart.
If you want to purchase one or more for your team, select ‘purchase for someone else or a group’ before entering how many you need.
MySkill has partnered with a USA based company ATLAS-FIOS, to provide online wheelchair and disability equipment technician training.
These 12 level 1 modules, with an assessment in each section, meet the accelerated learning requirements of the DMERT (Durable Medical Equipment Repair Technician) Group, which is the recognised standards organisation for technicians across the USA and Canada.
Once you complete all individual modules, you will be given a Final Exam which you will need to get 70% or higher, you will then receive a certificate of completion from DMERT.
General enquires – call 0800 MySkill (0800 697 5455) or email [email protected]
Employers looking for training – email our Sector Relationship Manager, Jonathan Goodwin [email protected]
Looking for a job? – Go to www.myskill.co.nz/career-opportunities
MySkill is a part of New Zealand Health Group